"Phirst and Phoremost"

a refleKtion of events

Proactive Relationships

Have you ever been in a situation where, regardless of what you want to do, it always seems as if you’re reacting to the actions of others? This is evident in our everyday lives but nowhere does it show up more than in relationships, particularly unhealthy ones.

The Lambda Kappa Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. along with the brothers of the Xi Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. decided to address this need head on and devised a forum to educate people on proactive relationships.

In my PR class, we learned about the communication model and how effective communication was two-way communication. That same model can be applied to every relationship in your life. Oftentimes we found ourselves either talking or being the one’s talking but valuable information is not being gleaned. In order to have a proactive relationship, we must first tackle the lapse in communication. When participants were asked what they felt was the most detrimental aspect of a unheakthy reactive re;ationship, they all said lack in communication.

So, do you want to be on your way to a healthy proactive relationship, regardless of the type? Well then, be proactive and take it upon yourself to communicate.

October 2, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. That sounds like a good idea, people need to work on their relationships skills.

    Comment by kenneth Wigley | October 9, 2009 | Reply

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