"Phirst and Phoremost"

a refleKtion of events

What are you Thankful for?

So many times, we as people never stop to take the time to say thank you. I recall a time when drivers used to be courteous to each other, I also remember a time when individuals used to hold the door for one another regardless of affiliation. I wonder what happened to those days of yesteryear. What happened to common courtesy? In a world full of seemingly thanklessness the question arose, What am I Thankful for?

Well of course, you’d be thankful for the obvious: life, health and strength, but beyond that, what really do we have to be thankful for? I’m thankful to live in the greatest country in the world with liberties that some only dream of. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to become who I want without fear of oppression. That’s something that we take for granted. I’m thankful for family, friends…even enemies.

The point is, regardless of our economic status, situations, or lifestyles, we all have at least one thing that we can be thankful for. Think about that during the upcoming holiday season and display it daily.

November 25, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. I really like this post. I feel like people today are so busy and self-involved we forget or neglect to say thank you sometimes.

    After much thought, I realized that I am most thankful for our freedoms and opprotunities that we have as Americans. I am so lucky to not only be a college student, but to be able to choose where I go to school and what I make of it.

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    Comment by ashleighmartin | December 1, 2009 | Reply

    • Thanx Ashleigh. It’s crazy how often we go through life not realizing the impact of our words. If people would take the time to say simple things such as thank you, we would be much better off as people. I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and that you have an even better Christmas.

      Comment by John Q. | December 7, 2009 | Reply

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